Saturday, 30 June 2012

Harry's Last Post at the "Jed McKenna" forum:

If you are of the opinion that

a) this forum is run by the real Jed McKenna (author of the books); or

b) it doesn’t matter anyway, because there is no “real” JM, no you and no me coz ALL IS ONE, and bla bla la-di-da, you know how the song goes

— then don’t bother pulling your head out of your ASS to read the rest of this post, because this post, which will be my last at this forum, is only for people, like me, who dig Jed McKenna’s books and who were shocked and disgusted to discover that a whole lot of other people who dig Jed Mckenna can’t even TELL THE DIFFERENCE between Jed McKenna and a big, fat, vapid CON JOB. Instead of like-minds we found  minds so deeply entrenched in narcissistic fantasy, self-denial, and half-baked spiritual philosophies to rationalize their stupidity that talking with them made us want to THROW UP AND NOT STOP THROWING UP until every last vestige of them was gone from our system FOREVER!

Yeah? Is anyone still reading this?

My guess is that those spiritual suckers, who can’t tell the difference between gold dust and a week-old piece of snot, are so FUCKING RETARDED (hey, my apologies to retards, coz I KNOW for a FACT you are a lot brighter than the dingbats of whom I speak) that, get this, this is what I reckon: they probably think it doesn’t make any difference if the person who wrote JM’s books is actually enlightened or not! AM I RIGHT??

This post is for anyone here WHO DOES CARE, who is sick to DEATH with the monolithic, all-pervasive conspiracy of treacle-filled BULLCRAP holding the “spiritual” marketplace together like a dead fly trapped in amber-like snot masquerading as a gem— as exemplified by THIS FORUM. My question to you is: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE? This NOT Jed McKenna’s site, you know it and I know it, so for FUCK’S SAKE, take some RESPONSIBILITY  and withdraw your implicit support from this patent masquerade-fiasco and find, or CREATE, a better, more creative, iconoclastic space for people like us to face the music and dance in!! A place the real “Jed” might actually be able to show his face in without barfing himself to death.

I encourage you, for the sake of whatever remains of your self-respect, to get your asses out of here and over to MY BLOG. Consider it a halfway house out of the treacle pit honey pot you fell into while you were looking for real flowers in a field of dead wheat.

I can’t offer much but at least I’m not claiming to be enlightened, and I'm not claiming to be Jed McKenna or anyone else (except Harry Duran). I AM claiming to have grokked the books and their message a THOUSAND TIMES better than Jedbot here or most of the pathetic wanna-be’s hanging around for a dried flake from his butt crack. And I am SICK AND TIRED of having to wrestle with these puny spiritual lightweights and their pretty vacant no-logic logic bullshit. I want to engage with REAL men and REAL women who are interested in REAL change.

OK, so this is probably (given the circumstances) a desperate and pathetic appeal, since there’s probably not a real man or woman reading this with the tits or balls, energy or initiative, to pull themselves out of the putrid flytrap and accept my invite. But, what the fuck. Like the man said, “At least I tried, damn it.”

Here’s a bit more about ME before you make up your “minds”:

1) I’m not here to fuck anyone around. Whatever I say is gonna come from my gut and though I will play games with your heads, if you let me, and I WILL ENJOY it, I’m actually not here to SHIT you.

2) I don’t have time and I don’t give enough of a crap to bone up on anyone’s personal story. I’m here to GET YOUR ATTENTION so together we can take a better look at the seething morass of the spiritual market place and see if we can find the flowers in all that shit.

3) If I piss you off, I won’t care, and you CAN’T piss me off because I am already more high strung than a sack full of cats in heat at midnight on a full moon. GOT IT?

4) The bottom line of Harry D is that I have HAD IT with the spiritual bullshit path, but I AIN'T GONNA QUIT TILL EVERY ONE OF YOU HOPELESS DREAMERS HAS BURNED YOUR FUCKIN’ JOHN & YOKO COLLECTION & HAD IT TOO.


  1. I tried responding to your comment over on the Fake Jed's forum, but ended up with a handful of old accounts pending re-approval by "Jed" and a couple of new ones not getting through to sign-up - so my suspicious mind thinks he may be vetting everyone who gets through the "gate" now. Then again, who has time for all this internet drama, anyway? As I went through all this rigamarole, I felt put-out, and baffled that I had so much energy to spare for that forum for the past few months.

    Carl Jung said a better word for psychic energy than "libido" which has such sexual connotations, is "interest" and for a while there I was WAY interested in the webs forum. I fed my interest into it and like a well-fertilized plant, it developed new branches and deeper roots therefrom.

    That's over now. It's no longer mysterious and I know it isn't going to help me on my journey to "awakening" - or shall we say, becoming a "Human Adult".

    Here's a quote from Jed's third book, Warfare, explaining a bit more deeply why all these energy-sucking mirrors in the form of forums and blogs are a bad idea for one who is aiming for awakening:

    "My experience is that this kind of evolution isn't of the species but of the individual. I'm not talking about what people can do together, but what one person can do alone; a serious person who is willing to make a fresh start and play the game as it is, not as they've been told it is or they might wish it is. To strike out and test the limits of what it means to be a conscious being in a conscious universe is within the scope of the individual. Any group of two or more people are necessarily externalized and immobilized by their very togetherness, but a single individual can go and keep going."

    ... so, Harry, consider that and your reasons for wanting an audience here, which while it may feel good and motivate your writing process at times, may in the end be the thing that holds you back as your egoic shell hardens around the kernel of belief people invest in you "here." Build your own coffin and dig your own grave, you hard-ass bastard, but it'll be the thing that keeps you alive.

    ~ Cactopussy

  2. I've always felt drawn to your words. I hope you write lots more of them. Ideally a book or a long article about how and why we are all poseurers and fakers at the same time as being 'enlightened'. Me - I'm still filling my mind with 'knowing' - I need to start actively unknowing & de-hypnotising myself. I know this, you know this. It is beyond any control if and when it happens I suspect.

  3. "Always"? I've been posting for all of one week. What is this, some past life crap? ; )


  4. Ok Harry - will play your game ;-). Jed just posted a piece on free will. Why don't you give us your rant on it?

  5. I'm not pos(t)ing there anymore

  6. here then... but you kinda just did above anyways...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
